Fellowship of the Box Bearer is Now Available!

Fellowship of the Box Bearer, a humorous fantasy (with just a touch of romance, of course!) novelette poking good-natured fun at the sword-and-sorcery tropes we all enjoy so much is now available, only on Amazon– absolutely FREE today through Monday, Dec. 8th! Snap this one up while it’s free and enjoy a little bit of pre-holiday stress relief on me! It would also make a great digital stocking stuffer for the readers in your life who enjoy a little geeky humor 🙂

FotBB Cover

Could Any Greater Tragedy Befall Anyone Less Deserving?

Elyssa is the Perfect Heroine: beautiful and generous, diligently trained by ninjas and entrusted with a mighty and mysterious object of untold power.

Unfortunately for her, Rothgar, an evil warlord, has decided to burn down her village for nefarious purposes that even he doesn’t understand.

What’s a poor overpowered heroine to do? Why, embark on an Epic Novelette-Length Quest for Justice with a ragtag group of total strangers, of course!

FotBB is a humorous take on the fantasy genre, bad fanfiction, role playing games (no, not THAT kind!), and the tropes we all enjoy and take for granted.

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This site is for information on all the newest fantasy romance releases by A. F. Dery (that’s me!)

My first books, Broken Mirrors and Broken Lords, Parts One and Two of the Broken Mirrors Duology, will be released by the end of December in multiple formats.

About Broken Mirrors:

Adie-72dpi-1500x2000 (6)  What good is a broken Mirror? That’s what Thane, Dread Lord of Eladria, is about to find out when he finds one named Kesara working in his Keep. The impulsive decision of a moment binds the two together in ways neither fully understands…or trusts. With the outside world in turmoil, old alliances crumbling and a traitor in their midst, the only hope for a broken Mirror and her broken Lord to survive is each other.”

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