January Update!


Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and new year! 2016 was a hard year for many of us, but we made it!

With the new year comes new releases and new plans! But first, I really need to apologize for the unprecedented (and unexpected) delay in releasing my next A. F. Dery book. I had expected it would be out last month, but my migraines went from weekly to daily very quickly, and I finally had to throw in the towel and accept there was just no way this book would truly be ready and up to the standards my readers deserve when I hoped it would be. Being unable to use a computer without pain was a pretty serious setback for me! It was something of a miracle that anything got released last year between one thing and another. (And please let me say I deeply appreciate the feedback I’ve received about those releases! Thank you! ❤ )

That being said, I’m seeing a new doctor and already feeling a LOT better. I have gotten more done writing-wise in the past two weeks than I have in MONTHS. It feels like a new lease on life. 🙂 So 2017 is already shaping up to be a much better year in this department. I don’t want to promise any firm dates on the next book until it’s completely ready, just in case there’s another setback. It is set in the same world as the Broken Mirrors and Kelemir books, but it is a new story with new characters you haven’t met yet. So please bear with me, it’s coming along, honest! It will be worth the wait!

In other news, at some point this year, this blog will also be moving from WordPress over to the Ring Drop Press website (http://ringdroppress.com). This is going to be a gradual process because there is a LOT that will need to be updated with the new address (eep!)  The Ring Drop Press website is run by my wonderful husband, who saw how overwhelmed I got when I tried to handle all the social media and online stuff in addition to, you know, actually working on books! Now that the site is fully up and running, it makes more sense to have everything about my books in one place rather than on two separate sites. I will be sure to let you know over here when the changeover is complete!

I’m also trying to help out more with keeping the Ring Drop Press Facebook page hopping this year.  If you’re not already following us, please come like us! Eventually I’d like to start doing new release giveaways and other fun stuff. (But first, getting this next book out! 😉 )

And lastly, I heard from Drachenmond Verlag before the holidays that the German translation of Broken Mirrors is coming along nicely, so we should see that this year too! This is such a dream come true for me. I can’t wait to see the new cover art!

I think that’s all for now! I really appreciate everyone’s patience and kindness. More to come soon…