The Broken Mirrors Duology is Here!

I am thrilled to announce that Broken Mirrors and Broken Lords, Books One and Two of the Broken Mirrors Duology, are Now Available for purchase for your favorite e-reader or app, as well as in Paperback!

Book One:

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What good is a broken Mirror? That’s what Thane, Dread Lord of Eladria, is about to find out when he finds one named Kesara working in his Keep. The impulsive decision of a moment binds the two together in ways neither fully understands…or trusts. With the outside world in turmoil, old alliances crumbling and a traitor in their midst, the only hope for a broken Mirror and her broken Lord to survive is each other.

Available Now for the Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iBooks, and in Paperback. Not an Amazon U.S. customer? No problem!

Book Two:

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Answering the High Lord’s summons, the leaders of the Union meet at his Court. Thane, Dread Lord of Eladria, is among them and eager to see justice done to his former friend-turned-adversary, Malachi, but their meeting raises more questions than answers. An unexpected catastrophe shakes his trust to its very core and he is forced to question all he once held true. Thane knows what a broken Mirror is capable of, but what about a broken Lord?

Available NOW for the Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iBooks, and in Paperback. International Amazon customers, click here!

2015 is going to be a busy year at the Keep! 😉 Never miss another New Release, sign up for my newsletter!

3 thoughts on “The Broken Mirrors Duology is Here!

  1. I was wondering if you had a picture you saw or drew that formed Thane. I keep reading his description and still can get a clear picture. You wrote him very well, and his conversations with Kesara at funny but not immature. They feel normal (well, as normal as characters in a distant land could be). I thoroughly enjoyed Broken Mirrors, and cannot wait to dive into Broken Lords.


  2. Hi Sarah! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

    Unfortunately, my artistic skills are a little lacking. Sometimes I can pull off drawing stick figures 😉 To get a better idea of what Thane looks like, try googling “lantern jaw” for images. He basically has an unusually large “lantern jaw” which makes it difficult for him to fully close his mouth and interferes with his speech (this generally comes with a severe underbite), and his mouth itself is irregular in shape as well, being more of a long, uneven gash than a symmetrical line.The rest of his face, apart from scarring, is more or less ordinary. I hope this helps give you a clearer picture of him. Thanks again for your kind comment!


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